Uma surpreendente faucet que paga aos seus usuários, 0.0006 seiscentos mil satochis por dia quando cadastrado como membro Free ou V1.0, contudo é possível fazer até 4 upgrades

V1.1 = 0.012 120 mil Satochis por/dia

V1.2 = 0.015 por/dia ou 150 mil Satochis por/dia

A partir dos próximos níveis a coisa começa a ficar mais interessante...

V1.3 = 0.15 ou 1 milhão e 500 mil Satochis ou ainda R$ 137,00 DÓLLARES

V1.4 = 1BTC por/dia ou 100 milhões de Satochis ou ainda R$ 917,00 DÓLLARES


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  2. Ok...

    This may sound pretty creepy, maybe even kind of "supernatural"

    HOW would you like it if you could simply push "Play" and listen to a short, "miracle tone"...

    And INSTANTLY attract MORE MONEY into your life?

    I'm talking about thousands... even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

    Think it's too EASY? Think this couldn't possibly be for REAL?!?

    Well, Let me tell you the news...

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    You simply click "Play" and watch how money starts piling up around you. it starts right away.

    CLICK here to play this wonderful "Miracle Abundance Tone" - as my gift to you!!!
